Sunday, March 22, 2009


So here is my newest love letter.

How do you feel about college or continuing education? How will we know what we are supposed to do about a career?

So let me tell you how I feel about college and continuing education. College is something that is really good. And in the world today, you just about have to have a degree of some sort to get a good job. I know that my college experience was a great time in my life (even if it was a really long portion of my life). It was in that time that I was able to really kind of figure out who I was and who I wanted to be. I made some of the best friends that I have, and above all, I met my wife in college. I took classes that I liked, and I learned things that were of interest to me.

Now with that said, I will tell you that that doesn't mean that college is the right choice for everyone. I know people who college just wasn't their thing, and that's fine. There are other things out there that can be done and done well that don't require that you go to college. I know people who have gone to school, and done fine with it, but it wasn't what they wanted to be doing. So don't go to college just because you think it is what you are supposed to do according to society.

Continuing education I think is a different thing all together. That is something that you do on a shorter basis, and is usually connected to your job. At this point, continuing education is one of my favorite things to do. It's fun to learn new things and hear new ideas...sometimes it helps you to have your own ideas.

As far as knowing what to do about a career, well, that is up to you really. I can't tell you what it is that you are supposed to do, or even how to know for sure how you will know when you find it. The best way that I can offer to let you know is this: find something that you are passionate about, that you love doing, and that you feel fulfilled doing. That is how you will know what it is that you should be doing as a career. That's the best that I can give you on the career advice. That and to really pray about what it is that God is calling you to do. Here's the thing, anything we do can be used to glorify God and can be a ministry area, when God has called you to do it, and you are willing to give the credit and glory back to Him (this of course is all within the confines of being a job that doesn't cause others to stumble and sin: I have a hard time thinking that you can be a stripper, or a prostitute, or drug dealer, or porn star and use those careers to minister and bring glory to God, but maybe that's just me you know?).

So there it is. My take on college, continuing ed and careers. Peace and Love y'all.

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