Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The In the Teen Times

From the Pickle Jar this evening.

What do you enjoy most about teenagers?

What is there that I enjoy about teenagers?  I mean there has to be something right?  After all, I work with them for a living.  Why in the world would I do that if there wasn't at least one thing that I really enjoyed about them?

I think that one of the things that I really like about teenagers is that they have a great deal of energy.  Granted there are times that I do wish they had either a little less energy, or a better way to release it, but all in all, I do like the fact that they are so energetic.  To be honest it helps to keep me feeling energetic as well.  Being with teens helps me to stay feeling younger than what I am, and that is a good thing I think.

Another thing that I enjoy about them is the fact that so many of them that I know really want to be able to make a difference.  And the great thing is, they still believe that they can.  I love that about them.  To them a lot of times the outlook is that there is something that needs to be fixed or changed so let's do it.  Let's fix it or change it.  They don't always worry about all the peripheral things that adults worry about.  In their eyes something needs to be done, so lets do it.  It's that easy.  I guess that in some ways there is an innocence in that.  Why can't we change these things?  All we  have to do is this, this, this and this.  There are times that I wish more adults would be able to simply look at things through the eyes of a teen and think about things in that way.  Teens can be such an agent for change if we will only let them.  What I like about this is the fact that it challenges me to look at things in that way and seek out those changes. 

Another thing is the fact that they are old enough to have started figuring out who it is that they are going to be.  Even though there is still going to be a great deal that changes in them as they grow (I hope), it is at this point that they are starting to figure out who they are and what they really believe about things. 

These are a few of the things that I enjoy about teenagers.  Peace and Love y'all.

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