Monday, November 2, 2009

Hopes and Dreams for my Kids

Wow, I haven't written on here in a long time. I got into the mindset of not writing just to be writing, and it seems to have stymied me a bit on the whole writing thing...and that rather sucks. I've barely even written on my other blog, The Bull's Horn, or even my youth blog, 2Forty2. I resolve now that I shall remedy that soon. OK, anyway, I was on here for a reason. I have pulled a new question out of my trusty jar and will now prepare to astound you with the way I answer said question...OK, so I will just try to answer the question and you can respond to it as you see fit. Here is the question that I have pulled forth:

Tell about dreams, expectations, hopes that you have for each of your kids.

(Right I know. It's not really phrased in the form of a question, but what is this Jeopardy? Yeah, I didn't think so.)

Man where do I start? I can say that these are not things that I ever really put much thought into before I had kids. That kind of changes once the kids are here. You start thinking about what you want for them: how you want to be able to provide for them and what you want to be able to do for them. How you want to see them grow and be loved. It is crazy to start thinking about. I never knew that I could desire so much for someone else like I do for my kids.

First and foremost, let me start by saying that I want each of my children to know without doubt that their Daddy loves them with every bit of himself that he can muster. I would do anything for my three babies. Thanks to them I have an inkling, albeit small, of how God must feel toward me, and how deep His Love and Grace must really run. It is my hope above all else that they realize how very much I love them.

On top of that, collectively, it is my hope that they will realize they are free to be who they are. I hope they never feel any kind of pressure from me to be something that they really are not. I would love for my kids to be athletic, but if they just don't dig it, I don't want to force that. I would love for them to be into drama and such, but again if not, that's fine. I don't want to project my self onto them. From punk rock, to (gasp) cowboy, to (bigger gasp) cheerleader...I will support them as best I can all along the way.

Finally, it is my hope and dream and expectation for all three of them that they will follow hard after God. That they will understand the life of Love and Grace that He has for them and is calling them to in His Son Jesus. I want them to choose to go after Him with all their might. To dig into what it means to live out faith and to be that light to a darkened world. I love them too much to not want this for them.

I want them to each be individuals.

For Boo, it is my desire that she will grow up and into her heart that is so full of compassion. She is such a loving and caring little girl. My hope and dream and desire is for her to understand how that is such a wonderful benefit not only for her but for those that she will come into contact with. Above all else, I hope and desire that she will be a woman of God.

For Puck, it is my hope that she continues to live life to the fullest that she can. She is such a sweet little girl and so generous. I desire to see her living and loving as she grows. I hope she continues to march and dance to the music that is inside of her rather than deciding that the music on the outside is better. Like her sister, I hope and desier that she will be a woman of God.

For The Little Man I hope and desire for him to be a man of God and action. To be someone who isn't afraid to act on his convictions and to live a life of faith. It's hard to say much more for him though really since he is only 2.

I guess I don't really have any specific hopes or dreams for my kids as far as careers go. I can joke that it would be nice to have someone who can and will make enough money to one day take care of me, but a joke is all that would be really. I love my children, and I find it difficult to imagine my life without them here. Most of all, I want the best for them. Peace and Love y'all.

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