Friday, April 17, 2009

The Get Aways

Well the time has finally come to write once again. I have been putting it off for no particular reason as of late, and I decided that tonight was going to be the night that I finally did a new love letter. So, here you go.

Describe a favorite vacation in your married years.

I again don't know that I can really limit this to just one. It' s not that we have just been able to go on a ton of vacations, but rather that we have done different kinds of vacations I guess. So I will just name the vacations that I have most enjoyed since getting married.

1) We went to Seattle when Boo was about 18 months old. It was a fantastic experience for us. The city was incredible, and the whole area was just so cool. The only problem that I really had with going to Seattle was the fact that we were there in August and that is right BEFORE their rainy season starts. I was so disappointed. I mean, if you go to Seattle, you more or less expect it to rain...they are famous for it after all. We did some pretty cool things though while we were there however. We spent a couple of days down on the water front. We did a Harbor Cruise there where we got to hear various things about the city from Elliot Bay. We went to Space Needle but the fog rolled on so thick that we couldn't really see much from up there. We visited a cool zoo, and I think our favorite thing was our dinner theater experience out on Blake Island. That was so very cool. We took a boat out to the island and when we got there, they serve you this traditional meal of what the natives would have had. It starts off with a clam soup appetizer that was better than expected. Then, much like the native tribes of old, we went single file through the serving line. We had salmon that was baked over an open flame and was awesome; red potatoes, some beans, bread, and of course the most authentic part of the whole thing, the small fish shaped chocolate in gold foil, just like the original tribes would have. Over all it was just a really cool place that we enjoyed visiting and would love to go back to.

2) Right before Boo turned 3 we went on family vacation to San Antonio. We did all the things that you do as a tourist in San Antonio: we went to the zoo, we went to River walk, we went to the Alamo. We also went to Sea World with a two day pass. At this time Boo was still our only child, so it was much easier to do some of these things. We had such a good time as a small family on this trip. We did learn however that had we just simply stayed at the motel and let Boo swim all day, she would have been perfectly content and we could have saved a bit of money.

3) The last one that I will mention would probably be the trip that Roni and I took to New Orleans two years ago. It was the first vacation that we had taken as the two of us since Boo and Puck had come along. We had a great time, and it got to be the honeymoon that didn't really get when we first got married. Once we were there, Roni had us going everywhere and doing everything. We went to the zoo, we were in the French Quarter, we took a carriage ride, a paddle boat cruise on the Mississippi River, and even did a walking Ghost Touron our last night there. The only real complaint that I have had about this vacation was the fact that by the time we had done all of these things, we were both so worn out and sore that it wasn't even funny.

So there it is I suppose. Three of my favorite vacations since getting married. They are nothing spectacular really, but they were great times for us to be together as a family as well as a time for Roni and I to be away. I'm looking forward to more of these in the future. Peace and Love y'all.

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