Tuesday, April 7, 2009

That's Amore

So here it is...the next installment of Daddy's Love Letters!! It seems like it has been a long time since I wrote one of these. So here is this go rounds topic.

How did you know that you were in love with Moma? How will we know when we are in love? Do you think everyone falls in love at sometime in their lives?

Well, this is an easy question to try and write an answer for. And it's not just a single question...it's three that are all connected. I will be honest, I drew this slip about four days ago and have been putting it off so I could consider what my answers would be. Not sure that that really helped a whole lot. Right, so lets take this in sections shall we?

I think I knew I was in love with Roni when I couldn't let her go. Even when I was dating someone else, I couldn't let her go. I wouldn't do anything other than just hang out with her, but there was just that feeling I guess. I remember when we first went out and I told Heath that I felt like I could see myself with her for a really long time. Yeah I know that that isn't really an answer, but it's part of the story. When I didn't want her to date anyone else I had an inkling of what was going on in me.

On top of that, there was the day that I woke up and just knew that this was the person that I was going to be with. I had gone to sleep on March 2nd 1998 and I woke up on March 3rd just knowing that God had told me that I was supposed to marry her. I don't remember if it was a dream or what , I just know that I knew at that point.

Now as far as the second question about how you will know that you are in love. To be honest I can't tell you anything that is a sure fire way to know. I know that when you can't be without that person and you are able to put their needs and desires before your own, well that's a good start for knowing if you are in love. This is a question that I have gotten from all three of my brothers, and I told them the same: I don't know how you know if you are in love, you just do. When you reach that point, you will know.

For the third part of this question, yeah I think that everyone falls in love at sometime in their life. That doesn't mean that you are going to end up with that person. I think of one of the pastors that I worked for/with years ago. This person was single and had been for years, and yet at one point they had been engaged. They had been in love, even though in the end that love didn't work out like they thought it would. Being in love doesn't mean that you will end up with that person forever. For some, being in love like that is merely a season of life. That doesn't mean that you were not in love or that you never will be again, it simply means that at that time, it wasn't what was right for you.

I think that's about it. I don't know what else I can say on this subject really. Who knows, I might end up having to rewrite this thing at some point when I have a better idea of how to really answer these questions better. We'll see. Peace and Love y'all.

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