Saturday, March 28, 2009

Then and Now

So I was sitting here and decided to draw a slip to answer before bed. Almost wanted to put the slip back but I will go ahead with it.

What thing do you enjoy today that you enjoyed doing as a child? Describe then and now differences, similarities etc.

This was a touch question really. I was trying to think of what there was that I used to like to do when I was a kid that I still like doing now. I guess there are a few things, but I was telling Roni that really it kind of depends on how far back you want to go when considering what it means to be a child.

One of the things that I really liked to do when I was younger was to read. When I was in elementary school, I would go to the library pretty much every morning to look around and find books that I wanted to read. I would go and check them out and then I would read them as fast as I could, turn them back in and get more. Some of my favorites were the Encyclopedia Brown books. These were short books that had the adventures of a boy called Encyclopedia Brown whose dad was the chief of police. He would solve mysteries during the summers with his friends, many times having to do with the same bully. The stories would conclude with him knowing the answer to the mystery and the reader would have to turn to the back of the book to get the answer and explanation. I thought they were great books.

These days, I still love to read. I was thinking about this just the other day in fact and how it seems that I always have some kind of book that I am reading or wanting to read. The difference now is in what I choose to read. Now I tend to read things like Blue Like Jazz and Searching For God Knows What by Donald Miller; The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning and other various books that deal with Christian living and growth. I also still love to read fiction. The fiction that read now is a bit more grown up than the Encyclopedia Brown books, but not always (some of my favorites are the Harry Potter books). I guess it is that in some ways our tastes and interests change as we get older.

Other than that I have always loved spending time with my friends both then and now. The similarity here is that some of the friends are still the same as when I was a kid. The difference is in what we can do. It's still one of my favorite things to do though, to spend time with friends.

I liked playing video games as a child. It started with Justin's Atari and progressed from there to the original Nintendo and then Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. As I have gotten older it has moved to the Playstation, Playstation 2 and XBOX. The graphics are better and the games more involved.

Finally, I liked writing when I was younger and I still like doing it now. The biggest differences I suppose would be what I write about and how I do it. As a kid I liked to try and be creative and create stories (I would still love to do this, I just don't seem to take the time to be creative I guess). Now I choose to write on here about other things like sports, family and faith. I still love to write, but I want to be sure that I have something to say when I do.

I guess that's about it really. Those are some of the things that I like to do now that I also liked to do as a kid. Funny how even though some things about them change, really the basics of it is the same. Peace and Love y'all.

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