Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Friend's a Friend Forever...

So here is the next installment of my little series Daddy's Love Letters. I believe that this is the fifth installment of this. I hope that you have enjoyed them so far.

Describe a favorite childhood friend and some things you did with him or her.

So here we go. I guess that I would have to really try and do some sorting with this one. I had a lot of friends in my childhood...I have a lot of friends it is hard to be able to pick any single favorite really. I think that what I will have to do is to pick a friend from different phases of my childhood. If you don't like this, well too bad, this is how I'm gonna do it.

Phase 1- Early Childhood (pre-move to Midland [I thought about labeling this as the BM days- Before Midland- but you can see how that would look])
These would be the days of Kindergarten and 1st grade. I think that at this point my favorite friend would have to be Angie Robinson. We were friends for a couple of reasons really. The first was that we went to the same church, so we got to see each other at least once a week it seemed. On top of that, our moms were really good friends, so in that way we saw each other a lot more. I remember that we used to stay with each other and we would run around and just have fun being little kids. I recall one time in particular when we played Grease 2 after watching it. I just had to be that "cool rider."

Phase 2- Elementary School (The Greenwood Days 2nd-5th grades) After we moved to Midland and I started going to school in Greenwood, there was one girl in particular that I enjoyed hanging out with. Her name was Shirlinda Owens. We were in the same class in the 2nd grade when I first moved there, and she was one of the first people to take me in as a friend in that class, which was good because it was a pretty rough first couple of weeks. We would run around at recess, and play with G.I. Joes.

Outside of school, I had about three guys that I really liked to hang with. James Settles, Justin Nesbitt, and Derick Freeman. I recall that we would ride our bikes around the trailer park where we lived and build ramps and make jumps over them. We would dig big freaking holes in the pasture behind our houses, and we would play G.I. Joe and Transformers and "guns" at each others houses. We loved spending the night with each other and just running around.

Phase 3- Junior High (6th-8th grade) In 6th grade we moved to a house behind the school. In this new neighborhood, I started hanging out with some new friends. The main people that I hung out with were Candice Newman and Burke Martin. We would just hang out and play basketball or watch movies, or play Nintendo. We also had a few nights of getting up and going toilet papering a few times.

Phase 4- High School(9th-12th grades) For my Freshman and Sophomore years I hung out with older people mainly. Damon Stalvey, Adam Harris, Amber Allen, Dan Mayo. These were all people who were sophomores, juniors and seniors when I was in 9th and 10th grade. We were all in the same youth group and the older guys really helped to shape who I was. We would go to church, go to movies, and play ball together.

In my Junior year, I shifted to hanging out with people who were younger than me mainly. It was really just by one grade, but these people became my best friends. I hung out with Justin, and James and Candice, and we added Edward Kennephol to the group. We would go to movies, and just go into town and hang out. We would all gather at one house and rent movies, or we would go to ball games. Mainly we just liked to sit at lunch and talk and chill. It was good times, and these are the people that I'm still in touch with. These were my favorite friends.

All my friends have been very dear to me and I have always enjoyed spending time with each of them. Peace and Love y'all.

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