Saturday, March 7, 2009

What's in a Room

So just as a refresher, this is from the jar of questions that Roni gave me for Christmas like 3 years ago. I'm finally getting around to actually writing my answers.

Which is your favorite room in your home?

Now this is somewhat of a tricky question I think. See this can go a couple of different ways really. If you ask me what my favorite room is I would say that it is either the living room or my bedroom, as those are the two where I spend the most time. If you asked Roni she might tell you differently. I think she would tell you that it is either the kitchen or the bathroom. I will take a little room here to explain each choice for you.

The Living Room- This is the room where we spend the most time as a family. It is here that we watch movies together, and play games together and just watch some TV together. It is the room that is right there when I first enter and where my girls tend to greet me once I have come through the door, and I do love the way that they greet me. It is a room that is comfortable, and has all the things in it that we really need as a family.

The Bedroom- Ok there are a couple of reasons that this would be my favorite room. Number 1 it has a bed in it. This is where I sleep...and I do enjoy sleeping. Number 2, it has the computer in it, and that is where I get to do this. Third, it has a TV and DVD/VCR in it so that Roni and I can watch stuff later after the girls are in bed, while we are in bed. It's a so very comfortable. Oh, and the fourth reason that I dig this room is the very same reason that most guys dig being in a bedroom...I'm married, so I really like the bedroom.

The Kitchen- Now then, I will admit that I do like the kitchen, but it is not a room that I would just choose to spend a great deal of time in. No, Roni would tell you that the kitchen is one of my favorite rooms because that is where the food is. It's true, I do like to eat. Not just meals either. I like to snack, and where are the snacks? In the kitchen. That would be why it is one of my favorite rooms in the house.

The Bathroom- Roni would tell you if you go by the room where the most time is spent being what qualifies a room as "favorite" that this would have to be it. She seems to think that I spend an awful lot of time in the bathroom. I guess she's right to an extent too. I like this room. It is where I'm able to shower and I like to shower because some of my best ideas occur there (it's weird I know). I also like the fact that I can go there for "relief" from time to time. That is verrrry nice. But I like this room and spend as much time in it as I do because it is where I can get the most privacy while I'm at home. Ladies, do you ever wonder why it is that your husbands/boyfriends take so long in there? It's because it is the one place in the house that no one else can go. It is where we can read and think and not be disturbed (except by the occasional noise that we may generate ourselves). It is the private room. Besides, who is really going to want to go in there while you are helping the room to fulfill its intended purpose? That's what I thought.

So I guess that I would have to say that if you determine "favorite" by where you spend the most time (not counting being asleep) then the bathroom would be the winner. Now you know a little bit more than you did before. Peace and Love y'all.

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