Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Place to Call Home

Here is my next letter.

Where did your parents live when they were first married? Tell about other places where they lived as well.

Well let's see now. When Mom and Dad (or Gran'maw and Daddy Bill) first got married they lived in Snyder in the Coleman Apartments. It seems that I was born while they lived there, but I have no memory of that seeing as how I was less than a year old at the time. What I do know about the Coleman Apartments is that by the time I was old enough to be looking at moving out and getting my own place, there were some ads for there and Mom and Dad both assured me that it was not the best place to live anymore and that there was a reason that they were cheap. So I didn't end up there.

Anyway, after that we lived in a couple of rent houses there in Snyder. I have vauge memories of a house on 31st street and then I can remember living in a house on 41st street. That was a house that I really liked. Well let me say that it is a house that I can remember. This is probably the first house that I really have clear memories of.

After that we lived in a trailer house both outside of Snyder and in Midland. This is one of the houses where I made a great memories. This is the house we lived in when I met Justin and James and Jamie and Derrick and so many others. It is the house we lived in when we would play football and baseball on a regular basis in the neighborhood. The house we lived in when I was playing guns and G.I. Joes and Transformers. This is where we lived when we built our ramps and jumped our bikes on them and the dirt hill and dug huge holes in the pasture behind us.

After a while Mom and Dad bought an actual house behind the school where we went. This was the house where I first kissed a girl and first learned to drive. It was where I first went wrapping and stayed up all night. It was the house where I lived all through junior high and high school. It was where some friends and I were chased while wrapping one night and where we hung out on so many occasions.

There have been a couple of other places since then. But those are the ones that really stand out in my mind. The houses that had the biggest impact for me. Peace and Love y'all.

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